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AMS-AFM Virtual Coffee Break and Networking Session


AMS seeks to foster the creation of research teams for the advancement of marketing science.  Teams can put more resources toward developing solutions to real-world marketing problems than can individual researchers.  For several years now, AMS and AFM (French Marketing Association) have held special sessions and sponsored research grants for AMS-AFM research teams.  More recently, AMS is partnering with Italian Academy of Marketing (SIM) similarly with the first special session held last year. 

All members are welcome to join the session.  In particular, if your looking for a research partner with similar interests, the session will provide an opportunity for you to breakout into more focused discussion rooms.  In discussing your research, you may find a team-member; and together, you can advance your research agenda and consequently, advance marketing science!  We will allow groups to breakout based on research topic areas. 

Topics Include:

Marketing Analytics and Research Methods (Big Data – Text Analysis) – Session Chairs: Nina Krey, Maria Petrescu, Gaetano Nino Miceli

Consumer Privacy/Technology Acceptance/AI/Robotics – Session Chairs: Sabinah Wanjugu, Ingrid Poncin, Eleonora Di Maria

Digital Marketing Strategy/Professional Selling and Sales Management – Session Chairs: Kevin James, Béatrice Siadou-Martin, Silvio Cardinali

Retailing in Omnichannels/Marketing Channels/Supply Chain Management – Session Chairs: Aaron Arndt, Karine Picot, Edoardo Fornari

Consumer Psychology and Behavior/Cross-Cultural – Session Chairs: Shuang Wu, Fabien Pécot, Matteo Corciolani

Marketing Communication, Advertising, and Promotion – Session Chairs: Kate Pounders, John Ford, Jean-Luc Herrmann, Vittoria Marino

Marketing in the Pandemic/Marketing Education in the Pandemic – Session Chairs: Pia/David Shows, Gaëlle Pantin-Sohier, Michele Simoni

To Participate:

Prepare a “minute-cast” (a one minute maximum summary of your research interest) as a way of trying to find a match with a colleague of mutual interest.

You can sign up on the AMS website (links will be sent to registered participants on April 8th:


09/04/2021 - 16:00
AMS-AFM Virtual Coffee Break and Networking Session